A Rutland Ry. milk train handles a NYC milk car next to the engine. |
Rutland Ry. Prototype
Milk Train #88 and #87
A re-post from May 2012
In my post of April 8, 2012 I discussed how I was modelling the Rutland Ry milk train #88 and #87. I thought I best clear up some facts about the prototype trains and what portion I am modelling. My modelled Rutland milk trains is north of Rutland and south of Alburgh, Vermont. The train takes on a different look south of Rutland and beyond Alburgh. Northbound out of New York City the empties are on train #83 which changes number to #87 at North Bennington in most timetables I looked at, although some years the train was #87 all the way or changed from #83 at another station.
At Rutland train #88 dropped off its coach, baggage car and RPO which continued on as a separate passenger train. A combine was added to the milk train. In early years combine #223 was used, then in later years #253 was the regularly assigned combine. Northbound train #87 arriving at Rutland, Vt. would lift the waiting RPO, baggage and coach which would handle passengers north from Rutland. In both directions an engine change was made at Rutland.
Out of Rutland the milk train was a turn job. It ran south to Chatham, NY were it would hand off the loads to the NYC and after a short wait the empties would arrive and the run north would be made. A Borden's car was normally on the head end to and from Manchester, Vt. for the Bennington County Co-Op Creamery.
A typical consist of a Rutland milk train in 1950 arriving in Rutland, Vt. would look like this...from the engine, Whiting 40 ft. milk car, Rutland 50 ft. milk car, two GPEX 40 ft. milk car, NX 50 ft. detachable milk car, Rutland 50 ft. milk car, Rutland 70 ft. baggage car, Rutland RPO and a Rutland #700 series coach.
In the 1950s the Rutland milk train routing would change via Bellows Falls and onward to Boston but that is another story to tell...George Dutka