Sunday 30 June 2024

DeMack's Tires - FOS Free Kit

My model is finished. I modeled it with very little paint remaining. 

A look at the finished FOS free kit offering from last fall...George Dutka 

The kit comes with a large brick chimney that I thought looked out of place on a smaller structure like this so I just switched it out with a stack.

This wall has nice signage with a window in it...a nice touch.

I did not use all the 3-D details with this build. I have another idea for some. There is some hints of white paint found on the walls done by dry brushing warm white onto the walls.

Saturday 29 June 2024

June 2024 - This and That

At the Ancaster train show on Fathers Day I picked up this MEC Life Like - Proto caboose from Chris Wright who also models New England. He was thinning out his cabooses. I have painted the wheels acrylic cinnamon brown and flat finished the model. Some light weathering will be next.
Just some things I have been up to and saw lately that I wanted to share with you...George Dutka 

An interesting shop at the north end of Lucan has lots of memorabilia especially car related. The owner is into three rail trains and a large size layout is also found in the structure which looks like a newer larger barn. Should have taken a photo of the trains.

I cheated to get this shot of the new VIA train on display for local dignitaries. The general public was not invited. They are working on the fence at the east end of the platform and lots is missing. I snuck over and took a few views before anyone noticed me. Thursday June 27, 2024. The train took the attendees for a ride to Glencoe where they were bussed back as the train went on to Windsor.

My 3-D printed details painted up. They first got a coat of flat black. Some is powders and some have MIG paints applied.

Some of the other FOS 3-D printed details. For the tires once the flat black is dried I just use AK asphalt road dirt.

The Ambassador has pulled way down in WRJ on an unknown date. The power will be cut off once pushed back in front of the station and a CV 600 series engine will be added. Note the three milk cars on the head end. Dwight Smith photo

There is lots to look at when at Otter Valley. They have come up with some nice looking loads for their garbage cars that I really liked the looks of. These are a nice improvement over earlier offerings. I was at Otter Valley this past week which was unplanned, I was at the beach close by first. Ran into Don Janes there stocking up on trackage...he was on his way to Niagara on the Lake.

Dwight Smith photos graced the cover of the CVRHS Ambassador many times in the past. Here is a nice view during a stop in Bellows Falls, Vermont.

Two more covers that have Dwight Smith photos.

An overall view of the vintage collection shop in Lucan, Ontario. Lots to look at.

Friday 28 June 2024

Hoods Milk Car

GPEX 1056 labeled July 1959. No location noted. This car is pretty weather beaten by this time. Although the lettering looks clean there is rust streaks on the car sides and the paint faded to a very light tone of green. Maybe for that era this would be a good weathering project.
Another view of a milk car from the Bob Bowes collection...George Dutka    

Thursday 27 June 2024

Throwback Thursday - Classic Woody

GTW wood caboose 77137 was on display at an Elgin County Railway Museum open house on August 24, 2008.    

By Peter Mumby.
In my post of March 14, 2024 entitled “In Search of a Home” I outlined how GTW 77137 spent a couple of decades at various Southern Ontario locations before landing at the Elgin County Railway Museum.  Today’s photos show the car in all its restored finery at the ECRM.  This fine example of period rolling stock was built 2/15/1891 and is still rolling on archbar trucks.  

This view shows some of the other restored gems in the ECRM collection.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Caboose Project

A shell and whole caboose destined to becoming food joints.

Here are two cabooses I set aside to make into a BBQ or ice cream shop and a bit of insperation below...George Dutka 

A CNR wooden caboose has been converted into a fry shack. Note the big vent up top. June 12, 2024 Harriston, Ontario

Why not add a sign to the location also.

A CNR flanger is in use as an ice cream shop. It was a hobby shop too at one time but the shop moved into the trailer next door. June 22 2024 Elmwood, Ontario.

Monday 24 June 2024

FOS - Free Kit Tire Shop

The 3D printed parts included in the kit did not need any cleanup. 
I have been working on my FOS free kit the last is how it looks...George Dutka

I spray painted the parts flat black before painting and chalking.

I pulled up a number of boards and clipped away at the bottom boards.

All squared up and ready for staining. 

Hunterline weathering mix and cement are coated on the walls first.

All the tones used are things one can get easily today. No Floquil used. I like the warm white which is a bit of a cream for dry brushing white on the wall edges. It has a warm weathered look to the white.

At this point I added nail holes by hand randomly.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Garbage Cars

While Don and I watched this spring a transfer being pushed past the station a couple graffiti covered cars passed.

While in Palmer watching a Mass Central transfer pass I snapped a few photos of garage cars that had a good amount of graffiti on them...George Dutka  

A second garbage car passed with the same amount of whatever you call this.


Saturday 22 June 2024

FOS Kit of the Month

Kind of a neat looking diners and dives.

This month's FOS kit is something we all can do using an old caboose we don't need on our trains...George Dutka     

Friday 21 June 2024

CV Scan's - Dave Clark Slides

CV 1511 and 1510 are found operating in an unknown location (maybe Richford Sub) during spring 1973 Dave Clark photo, Ian Stronach collection.
Hi Guys here are four CV slides that Ian Stronach passed along to me (there actually are a few boxes full that I still need to scan, maybe 150 slides) from his life long friend Dave Clark who passed in 2020 while a few others are taken by James Robertson for use on the blog and the CVRHS Ambassador. I will keep posting views over the summer, enjoy and thanks Ian...George Dutka

Another view of CV 1500's during spring of 1973. Dave Clark photo, Ian Stronach collection.

CV 3601 during 1982, no other details are seen on the slide. Dave Clark photo, Ian Stronach collection

CV 4442 tied onto a MEC open top hopper 1989 on the St. Lawrence and Atlantic RR. Dave Clark photo, Ian Stronach collection.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Throwback Thursday - CASCO Encore

CSTX 54 posed for its portrait on November 07, 1993.

By Peter Mumby. 

The centrepiece of today’s photo is tank car CSTX 54.  Like last week’s example, 54 has a 10/65 built date, and was maintained by Procor.  Cosmetically, at least, this car is in much better condition, providing the potential modeller with another option.  This car was photographed in the yard at CN London East.

Monday 17 June 2024

Butch Eyler - Weathering


Butch had this neat sign made up to let you know who he is and were he is from.
Here are a few more views of the weathering done by Butch Eyler at RPM...George Dutka 

Great rust on this covered hopper.

I liked how this bulkhead turned out.

The weathering in this gondola was amazing.

Butch showing Don how he does his weathering.

Sunday 16 June 2024

June Update!

I went north with my neighbor on June 12 2024. We were actually looking at sailboats and Paul was after some cheese from area cheese houses. I wanted to get a few measurements from the CNR 4 door motor car shed at Palmerston which has been moved next to the station a number of years ago. I might build a model of it how it once looked in past years. This is the backside.
Just a bit of what is happening around here and were I have been...George Dutka

Hate to say I found some stuff to purchase at the NERPM meet. Now to figure out if I am going to put it away or use it right away.

A little wooden caboose on display in the Palmerston, Ont. CNR station museum.

This is the backside of the Mildmay, Ont. Home Hardware which is kind of neat looking...maybe a model in here somewhere. CNR ran through town at one time not to far from this location. June 12 2024

I realized you could not read the card on a past is a better copy for anyone wanting 3D printed items.

I was in Home Hardware the other day and they have changed the looks to the Camo-Coat spray paint cans. They also appear to have added another color...Khaki.