Monday 17 June 2024

Butch Eyler - Weathering


Butch had this neat sign made up to let you know who he is and were he is from.
Here are a few more views of the weathering done by Butch Eyler at RPM...George Dutka 

Great rust on this covered hopper.

I liked how this bulkhead turned out.

The weathering in this gondola was amazing.

Butch showing Don how he does his weathering.

Sunday 16 June 2024

June Update!

I went north with my neighbor on June 12 2024. We were actually looking at sailboats and Paul was after some cheese from area cheese houses. I wanted to get a few measurements from the CNR 4 door motor car shed at Palmerston which has been moved next to the station a number of years ago. I might build a model of it how it once looked in past years. This is the backside.
Just a bit of what is happening around here and were I have been...George Dutka

Hate to say I found some stuff to purchase at the NERPM meet. Now to figure out if I am going to put it away or use it right away.

A little wooden caboose on display in the Palmerston, Ont. CNR station museum.

This is the backside of the Mildmay, Ont. Home Hardware which is kind of neat looking...maybe a model in here somewhere. CNR ran through town at one time not to far from this location. June 12 2024

I realized you could not read the card on a past is a better copy for anyone wanting 3D printed items.

I was in Home Hardware the other day and they have changed the looks to the Camo-Coat spray paint cans. They also appear to have added another color...Khaki. 

Saturday 15 June 2024

More NERPM 2024 Views


One of the wonderfully weathered models by Butch Eyler 

Some more of what I saw at this years NERPM...George Dutka  

BEST had their stains along plus many of their kits.

Bethlehem has a new owner and he brought a nice selection of modeling needs. I picked up a set of trucks for my milk car from them.

George Melvin did a presentation on MEC MofW section houses...he also brought along his diorama of one.

George Melvin's diorama 

Overhead view of George's diorama

Friday 14 June 2024

Phil's Train Layout Store - 3D printed parts

I picked up the gas cans and cluster of garbage bags which I thought were a great value.
At the St. Thomas show I came across a vendor that I had not seen in the past. A lot of neat details that can work on a layout in all scales. I felt a few looked a bit overscale but there was a lot I liked. Here are two I picked up...George Dutka  

Thursday 13 June 2024

Throwback Thursday- CASCO Veteran


CSTX 60 was sitting in the spur leading to the CASCO plant in the southern part of London, Ontario.
By Peter Mumby.

London’s CASCO (Canada Starch Company) plant is located in the south end of the city off the CN Talbot subdivision.  Cars for this plant generally accumulated in the yard at London East, making it easy for me to acquire a variety of photos for my freight car albums.  Early cars, such as the example presented today, carried the Canada Starch name along with CSTX reporting marks.  Later cars bore the CASCO logo along with the reporting marks of various lease companies.  CSTX 60 was built in October of 1965, and was maintained by Procor.
This car was photographed on December 29, 1993.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Missing Parts in Kits

In my kit the Grill sign was missing but all was good following an e-mail request.
At times I find a part missing from a kit I am modeling. Most of the time I can find an alternate but while working on this FOS kit-of-the-month diner the 3D printed sign was not there. I e-mailed FOS about it and got a quick response which told me they would look into it. I never heard back from FOS but about two months later the part showed up in an envelope which was appreciated. So don't loose hope if you ask for a replacement part...George Dutka    

The 3D part arrived for me to finish the model.

Monday 10 June 2024

Newfane, Vt. - Depot

Kevin Smith sent me some views he took of the Newfane, Vermont depot back in 1980's. The depot is still standing and in use as a museum plus there is a kit of the station available...thanks Kevin...George Dutka  

Sunday 9 June 2024

Springfield 2024 - RPM

A weathered model by Butch Eyler. More on his models shortly.

Just a few more photos from this years RPM in Springfield that I liked...more on their NERPM website...George Dutka

Jim Dufour who models the B&M had a few models on display.

Ryan Mendell brought along his GT New England models but he also had a Sylvan 1939 Ford flatbed that looked really nice.

Chad Rancourt had on display his collection of CV models built by Armand Premo. This tool and supply car was built using an F&C 36' resin kit.

John Riddell scratch-built this 36' cook and dining car. One of his wonderful models on display.

If you read RMC you would have read about Chris Adams model that he had nicely displayed on a base that rotates.

Another one of Neil Schofield's wonderful models on display.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Free Kit #43 - Craftsman Corner

The front and rear wall are glued to the corner trim while one side wall is made of two pieces. All the walls have their edges sanded smooth. The bracing will be added later when assembly happens.
At the WOD - NMRA Craftsman Corner I participated in during the St. Thomas Elgin County Museum train show I worked on my FOS kit. It took a bit of time to figure out how the walls would all go together without instructions, but nothing difficult. Once I got going things went well. I got a lot of the basic assembly together although there was a lot of talking to all that stopped by. There is lots for me to do at the next workshop if I don't finish it before then...George Dutka

I pulled up some boards and cut the bottom row of siding to appear worn. I also added the door and window trim as they will be the same tone as the walls. The doors are all two parts which I also glued together during the show. Still lots to do.

Friday 7 June 2024

New England 2024 - RPM

Bill Badger taking in the hands-on weathering clinic.
Don Janes and I attended this years NERPM taking two days going down and two days returning which made for a really nice trip. It has been a long time since Don and I had the chance to catch up on things so the drive seemed to pass quickly. We attended a nice amount of clinics and really enjoyed the model display. The modeling is over the top.

The vendors room was one we could not stay away from and we both purchased more than we needed. It was interesting to see first hand the many 3D printed models now available. Don purchased an all door boxcar for his 1980's shelf layout he has planned while I got the D&H wood sided end cupola caboose. It will be interesting to see how these go together. I feel this might be  the future for craftsman kit builders.

There was some deals on books, I picked up a few I always wanted and of course more BEST building kits. More on what I purchased in posts going forward and how they go  together. I am motivated to try the 3D kit.

I should mention Don and I have not been to New England together in 5 years so there was a lot of visiting happening with friends. Sorry if some of our conversations were was nice to see you all. Don and I had a nice lunch with the Vermont and Massachusetts gang while during our last dinner we caught up with our friend Ian Stronach from Montreal. As it turned out our Canadian contingent were in the same restaurant so we had a nice visit with them too...George Dutka

One of Neil Schofield's wonderful engines on display.

Don purchased this 3D printed all door boxcar kit.

Don is getting the scoop on 3D from Matt.

The Yankee Flyer is an upcoming kit 3D printed.

I purchased this 3D caboose.

More examples of 3D printing.

Don also picked up two forklifts that are 3D printed. They are very nice looking.

While visiting Neil Schofield we saw his completed 3D printed forklift model.

The gang gathers for a photo taken by Don Janes. I am at the left next to Randy, Chad, Jim and Laz.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Throwback Thursday - Engineer in Training

Jon Morris was getting number 9 ready for another day’s operation outside the Elgin County Railway Museum on May 04, 2002.
By Peter Mumby. 

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the April 2024 issue of Railfan and Railroad magazine which was billed as the “Canadian Steam Special.”  Of particular interest was the cover story, “Empress Returns,” by Justin Franz.  This article describes the history of Hudson locomotive CP2816 and the preparations made for this spring’s Final Spike Anniversary Steam Tour in celebration of the CPKC  merger.  A number of references were made to Jonathan J. Morris, CP’s steam operations manager, and this took me back to a time over twenty years ago when Jon was learning the basics of steam locomotive operation as a volunteer with the Southern Ontario Locomotive Restoration Society.  SOLRS was operating ex-Essex Terminal Railway 0-6-0 number 9 out of the Elgin County Railway Museum in St. Thomas, Ontario.  Jon was a high school student at the time, and could often be found on the weekends assisting with number 9’s operation around the St. Thomas yard or on short excursions out of town.  As a local railfan photographer I was often in attendance during these operating sessions and always enjoyed visiting with Jon as he was learning his craft.

Jon is checking the water level on his locomotive on June 07, 2002. The location is Shedden on the CN CASO subdivision.

Jon is filling number 9’s water tank on August 25, 2001 in the yard at the ECRM.