Two of my new additions are an Atlas D&H hopper which got cut levers, Kadee's and PanPastel weathering. The caboose is a Juneco, F&C and Roundhouse mix...more on this one later. |
After a few comments over the last few months regarding the WRD being hard to read I made a couple of changes to the text. I decided to change the white lettering and dark gray background to black text and a lighter gray background...I hope this helps.
I have finished the background area of Bellows Falls and also updated or built a few new structures. These I hope to cover once I take some photos. I also have been busy constructing more cabooses for the WRD. A CV noodle version is done and a B&M Bowser kit is in the works. Peter and I have picked up a big group of rolling stock this winter at the last two shows...not that we need more kits and finished cars, but for two kits for $5 and later in the day 3 for $5...we are talking Tichy kits and so on it is hard to pass up. The finished models went for $5 each and we stocked up on these also. So now my desk is full of kits which I want to at least finish a few...because as you know once they get put into my stockpile drawers they are there for a really long time. These cars and kits were part of an estate sale that the Hamilton railroad group was looking after and one of four estates up for grabs at the last show we attended. Needless to say the regular vendors did not make many sales.
Looking through the kits offered I found two USRA Altas un-decorated models. Peter and I each worked on one adding the details included. While I painted the cars Peter went through his decal stockpile for appropriate lettering. Last week our Monday workday was lettered day. Mine is decaled with a DT&I logo while Peter did his Frisco. This past Monday we weathered these cars and took a few photos before starting on our next project Tichy boxcar models. I have a lot to cover over the next few months as there has been a lot happening this winter on the WRD...George Dutka
Our USRA Atlas models on display on the WRD. These are really nice cars that the only extra detail we added was Kadee's. Peter's car is the Frisco while mine is the DT&I. |
One of my $2.50 finds an Accurail kit that I added cut levers, Kadees and a lot of weathering. I also added some rubbish to the interior. |
My Bowser $2.50 offering I did a bit more work to. I added cut levers, stirrups, Kadees and wire grabs before a bit of touch up painting and Bragdon weathering. I added a placard to the tack board to finish it off. |
Another look at my Atlas USRA boxcar in service on the WRD...another $2.50 find. |
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