Saturday 8 June 2024

Free Kit #43 - Craftsman Corner

The front and rear wall are glued to the corner trim while one side wall is made of two pieces. All the walls have their edges sanded smooth. The bracing will be added later when assembly happens.
At the WOD - NMRA Craftsman Corner I participated in during the St. Thomas Elgin County Museum train show I worked on my FOS kit. It took a bit of time to figure out how the walls would all go together without instructions, but nothing difficult. Once I got going things went well. I got a lot of the basic assembly together although there was a lot of talking to all that stopped by. There is lots for me to do at the next workshop if I don't finish it before then...George Dutka

I pulled up some boards and cut the bottom row of siding to appear worn. I also added the door and window trim as they will be the same tone as the walls. The doors are all two parts which I also glued together during the show. Still lots to do.

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