Tuesday 16 September 2014

Woodstock Ry. - Woodstock, Vermont

The turntable pit and engine house are seen on March 19th 2012. Hard to believe this structure has survived since the last engine was turned and left the engine house in 1933. This structure was built in 1876.
Later this month during the second day of the CVRHS convention held in WRJ the group will be following the old Woodstock Ry. ROW. The current CVRHS Ambassador has a nice photo essay prepared by Steve Horsley of what once was and what one will find today at Woodstock. I had done this trek twice, once back a few decades ago and again in 2012. I thought I would share some of what I saw during my last visit. The lines terminal at Woodstock, Vermont surprisingly had survived in tact till this summer when the engine house was taken down. On my visit during 2012 it was hard to believe the station, frt. house, roundhouse with turntable pit, section house and storehouses all still remain much like they did when the last train left town in 1933. One can still imagine the track placements. This group of structures maybe survived because of their location. They are tucked out of the way along the river at the eastern outskirts of Woodstock, a good distance from the center of town. If you wish more information about the Woodstock Ry. check out the CVRHS Ambassador Vol. 22 No. 3 and Vol. 4 No. 4 which includes a Sanborne map of Woodstock. Bob Jones covered the line well in a March 2008 RMC article. If you are lucky enough to find a copy of Over the hills to Woodstock by Edgar Mead (1967) you will learn the whole history of the line....George Dutka

The section house still remains in 2012 at the far east end of the yard.
This structure has had an addition added to it at some point. It was the original station or ticket office-freight house built in 1875.
This is the second station found in Woodstock along Pleasant St. It was built in 1893.
Even the old storehouses still remain during 2012
I am standing near the engine house taking this photo looking east at the section house. I think the roadway is on the old roadbed.


  1. Do any drawings exist for the various structures? I'm getting the itch to build! LOL


    1. Hi Chris I don't know of any other than the engine house which was published in RMC back in the 1970-80's. The plans was altered to fit the modelers needs. Many of the structures still stand and could be measured...George
