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The small train that once was steam powered, July 3 2024 |
Many of you will not be at all interested in my local area history but for the blog followers from my area here is a bit of miniature steam train history.
Our local model train group gathered at Springbank Park here in London for a BBQ. To make it a bit more of a railroad event we picked a picnic area right beside the train tracks that carry children around the park. The train passed our location about every 30 minutes or less.
A bit about the train that I just learned from our local Byron Villager magazine. The Springbank flyer as it was once called began in 1923 with a miniature steam engine pulling the coaches. It was converted to diesel fuel in 1965 and was moved from the central park location to near Storybook Gardens in 1998. Storybook Gardens opened in 1958.
I have included some photos from last month and one of the train in about 1956 when I was aboard at about age 2...George Dutka
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The train does a trial run each morning before passengers are loaded. |
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Our modelers club posing by the display train. Amazing how many members show up for a free BBQ. |
This view is about 1956 with my parents and aunt in the foreground. The story goes my cousin who was maybe 8 or 9 was on the train with me...to keep an eye on me. I was 2 I think. When the train stopped my parents could not find me. My cousin was there but who knows were I got off to. They eventually tracked me down. |