Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Utility Poles

The pole to the left is an Atlas altered pole I have been using. The pole to the right is my new one. I just noticed the BarMills poles had 4 insulators. I think the next batch will have 4 also.
Here is a part two to the utility poles I posted about yesterday. I have been using Atlas poles till now which have been altered a bit. I find they are a bit too small for foreground poles but work well against the backdrop. For my layout redo I am modeling a spur and single track rural main line, an area that minimal telegraph wires would be found. I took a quick look through a few of my B&M and CV books to see what one would find. Most of the minor routes had poles with 3 to 4 wires....which is what I wanted. Actually a few spots had two...George Dutka

This is taken on the busy B&M main. Note how many arms and insulators are found here. Something I don't want to emulate.
Here is the B&M line to Salem, Ma. with a pole with a cross arm with two insulator and one on the top of the pole. Three lines total.
This B&M pole has six spots but only four insulators and wires used.
Note the two insulators and lines in a B&M yard.
The main line north of Bellows Falls had single arms with 4 wires something I want to copy.


  1. One reason for the many crossarms on main line poles was that Western Union leased space on the poles for their use.. This dates back to Jay Gould, who was something of a Warren Buffet of his time, since he ran both Western Union and a good many railroads, including Union Pacific. Regarding electric power, some lines on main line poles also carried railroad electricity on separate, sometimes smaller, crossarms. But also, especially in yard areas, there were separate power poles for electrically operated hoists and so forth. I would not rule out this being the case in the fourth photo.

  2. Hi Bruce:
    Thanks for the input...yes the pole in the yard is near the turntable which might be the power line for it...George
