Friday 31 March 2017

B&M Tool Car

My tool car has a wooden roof...something that this car never had, it was steel. I like the looks of a worn out wooden walk on my out of service cars.
This week I pulled another one of my older new cars out from my storage drawers (I actually need room in there to put in the cars I purchased this winter and will not finish). This time it is a B&M lettered Front Range boxcar that I probably purchased 20 years ago. I decided to turn it into a tool car for my summer contemporary set up. It will be a drop in to replace the Petersburg station. The creamery across the track will become a lumber unloading area. The tool house looks different on both sides so I can turn it around for another version...George Dutka

I added a Grandt work car window, Black Cat CN caboose door, Bar Mills awnings, some signs, smoke stack and a Westminster Centre station sign over the door. Some grabs and ladders are attached, but most of the details are left off. I added a bill or mail box to each side of the building.

This is the other side. I modeled the door open so one can get a look at some additional details. PanPastels was the main go to for weathering of this car. I am really liking the looks of PanPastels and after a few dozen attempts I think I have figured it out.

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