GSWR 2127 is leading three other units down the hill towards Goderich Harbour on July 30, 1999. |
Welcome, follow along with George Dutka in his journal which documents the additions and future thoughts for the HO scale White River Division model railroad and to his continuing historical New England railroad research. The White River Division is now in its 17th modeler's season. The "modeler's season" runs from November to April each year. Inspiration comes from the Boston and Maine, Rutland and Central Vermont Railway during the 1950's with additional posts by Don Janes and Peter Mumby.
Thursday 30 June 2022
Throwback Thursday - Georgia (Southwestern) On My Mind
Wednesday 29 June 2022
Tuesday 28 June 2022
Snapshot - June 2022
Corner of Pall Mall and Richmond St. 1935. Note the CPR coach behind the Supertest station. There was a streetcar line down Richmond St. |
The CPR station was just beyond this location. |
Monday 27 June 2022
Great Lakes Region CN Trainmaster Trainee's 1979
In this photo one can see Morris Fisher, bottom left, Norm Davies, back row second from right with Kim Hum, next at extreme right. Jim Blunt is bottom right. |
My friend Andy passed this CN facebook view of a group of CN trainmaster trainee's from 1979. He did not give me any details at first about the photo. It looked like a bunch of 1970's era's guys in a random group photo. Later he explained the view. I thought some of the CN employees that follow this blog would get a kick out if it. Following the explanation I took a closer look at the group and did recognize a few in the group that became supervisors here in London, Ontario over the years...George Dutka
Sunday 26 June 2022
CN Woodchip Car - The Athearn Approach
Athearn boxcars converted to woodchip cars. |
Peter Mumby dropped off his fleet of CN woodchip cars for a photo shoot last week. He brought along his two Athearn versions he had purchased years ago at a swap meet. Peter and I built our cars using Front Range models which have the roofs not attached in the kit which works well to built woodchip cars. The modeler of the Athearn car would have had to cut off the roof. He did a nice job and the cars are a nice addition to Peter's fleet...George Dutka
Saturday 25 June 2022
Spring This and That!
Lisbon NH, Roger Robar photo |
Just a bit of whatever crossed my computer screen the past couple of week or was on my workbench...George Dutka
Lisbon Station
This came from Roger Robar this past week. The town of Lisbon, NH who owns the railroad station has just finished painting it with the original colors. They did a great job. There was lots of scraping of loose paint, sanding, priming then painting of entire structure.
Ethan Allen Express
Bruce Douglas sent along this note from the Canadian Press. The long-awaited return of passenger rail service to Vermont's largest city for the first time in nearly 70 years is set for July 29, 2022 state transportation officials announced Thursday.
That’s the date Amtrak’s Ethan Allen Express will begin offering service to New York City from downtown Burlington. The train will make stops in Vergennes and Middlebury before it reaches Rutland, the current northern terminus of the Ethan Allen Express, which travels to New York via Albany, with stops along the way.
The last regularly scheduled passenger rail service to Vermont's largest city ended in 1953.
D&H Switchers Montreal
Geoff Southwood pass along these comments regarding a weekend post. "The black D&H switchers were a common site in Montreal in the mid sixties. I frequently saw them operating near Lasalle Station and Sortin Yard, both of which were south of St.Luc Yard. I had a couple of slides of these and a few years ago I gave all my D&H material to Kip Grant, whom I believe you know."
Geoff's next comments cc'd to Kip Grant.
I think I have found your answer. See Scroll down to a column written by Murray W. Dean, an old school mate of mine. On Page 15, he indicates that as of January 1967, the following D&H switchers were on lease to C.P.R. … #3015, 3023, 3026, 3035, 3045 and 3047. Over that period I think a number of D&H switchers cycled through the C.P.R. leasing ranks in and around Montreal. George’s picture is of #3024 and my vague memory says that one of the slides given to Kip was #3022.
Kip comments my favorite D&H locomotives, the S-units! Well, actually I waffle between them and the RS 2/3's but that's a happy predicament. Geoff, the two slides in your donation that are pertinent here are of S4's 3035 in June '66 at LaSalle Station and 3047 in May, '66 at St. Luc. By the way, reviewing the slides was like seeing them for the first time all over again, Geoff. Thanks again.
Roger Robar photo |
I took this photo of the layout last week looking in from the aisle-way to WRJ. I have not been running trains for awhile (about 4 months) so the tracks will need some cleaning soon. |
Friday 24 June 2022
More Spray Paint!
Testing out two red tones on my old test hoppers. |
A look at two red tones I have just tried out. Actually have had them around for a bit but with not doing any modeling in months they had to wait. On the left side one can see a red oxide primer which has a very flat finish which is from Home Hardware. I feel this color has the red tones that many of the CN CP boxcars once had. It maybe a good alternate to Floquil boxcar red. Many of the primers I have tried look too brown in tone.
The second color is tru-color paint Matte dark red brick. It has a nice red tone to it with a bit of gloss. It might not need gloss coating for decaling but some testing will be required. It might be another option for CN and CP boxcar reds also. I found it did not cover as well as the Home Hardware paint requiring more coats.
Both paints look great when applied to a scrap brick wall so a dual use for sure. I guess one needs to experiment with the spray bombs. I have in the past while trying to darken the tone is spray on a light coat of black or darker primer brown first and while still wet spray on the second shade. They will blend together as they dry. I used this mixing a lot with Floquil over the years...George Dutka
Thursday 23 June 2022
Throwback Thursday: Rent-A-Wreck, Part Two
This colourful consist made up of ACR 185, CN 3739, and CP 5412 was idling on the shop track at CP Quebec St yard on May 17, 1987. |
Wednesday 22 June 2022
Tuesday 21 June 2022
New Structures For Waterbury On The Green Mountain Division
Filling In The Gaps At Don Janes
This is an overall view of the new buildings place in the Waterbury scene. |
Here is a street side view of the repair shop. Lots of additional scenery and details still need to be added. |
The parking area is painted Grimy Black with cracks added to represent fairly new asphalt. That is the Waterbury Station in the background. |
This view of the structure shows the interesting roof lines and various structural outcroppings. |
These two photos show the neat little Pancake House that George built. The wood fence id from Bar Mills. My three year old grandson loves the pancake shop. |
Monday 20 June 2022
Barn West of London
This large barn I pass many times when leaving London heading west. I feel it makes a great candidate to model. I feel it also has the same appearance I see in New England in large barns. There are a couple similar barns near Komoka where I railfan the CP but difficult to include in photos...George Dutka
Sunday 19 June 2022
CP-D&H Switchers
Montreal, Quebec Sept. 1964. Peter Cox photo. |
Saturday 18 June 2022
The BAR-NH Insulated Boxcar Fleet
My model is NH 45097 which is the further back model. Peter Mumby's model is the BAR cleaner looking of the two. |
A view of two NH-BAR 40' in service on the WRD. I took this photo a number of years ago when Peter showed up with his version of the fleet. My model was built by Warren Dodgson back in the 1990's. I was able to acquire part of his fleet when he left model railroading. The car is a kit offered by the NHRHS back then. Warren did a fine job constructing the model with lots of details added.
Back in 2018 it came across my workbench for some weathering and updates. The couplers were clipped on my model and a fresh flat finish applied. The wheels are rusted up a bit and the roof is touched with acrylic burnt sienna and burnt umber. Some black powders are applied to the roof. The sides are left as-is which has a bit of weathering sprayed on by Warren. I will have to take a few close-up views and share them with you. I don't recall much about Peter's car but will look into that too...George Dutka
Friday 17 June 2022
Section House - Rutland, Vt.
Thursday 16 June 2022
Throwback Thursday - Exotic Equipment Close to Home
CP 1401 East is approaching Embro Road near the east siding switch of Zorra on June 05, 2004. |
Wednesday 15 June 2022
Tuesday 14 June 2022
East Shaghtikete, NY
Monday 13 June 2022
Sunday 12 June 2022
Wirthmore Grain Sacks
I searched the web and found these sacks that could work in HO scale. |
This is an idea that Marty's CV blog shared awhile back. If one models New England you might want to include some Wirthmore grain sacks on your layout. Just reduce these views down to your scale then wrap and glue the copy onto a sack you already have. I would just double print it and fold one over gluing the edges together...George Dutka
Saturday 11 June 2022
June Update 2022
Not to much to report at the moment. Beginning this month I do have a bit more free time as we have cut down on daily visits to mother-in-law...will see how that works out. I also have made it out a few early mornings when the sun was out. They were short 1-2 hour jaunts just outside the city limits although I have made side-trips on my way to mother in laws in town.
Once I am caught up with home chores that have piled up I will share some more newer modeling with you. I also have a selection of New England station postcards to share with you...George Dutka
Fallen Flag hopper in CP yard London, Ontario last week. Might make an interesting model. |
A close-up of one end...note the ACI label. |
London's current yard switching power. Not sure if there is a decal set out for this variation. |
The cab numbering...think they could have done a better job at the stencils? |
Here is Peter Mumby's and mine structure prior to painting. |
And the finished models. Mine has a small stack...not sure if there is enough room for a stove in there. |