Friday, 7 February 2025

ITLA Back Alley - 20' 2 Floor Building

The 20' two story building is completed other than the roof details and trim.
I began the third structure in the ITLA back alley block. I thought I would show you how the brick and block work is painted and weathered...George Dutka 

Home Hardware red oxide primer is first applied.

Roberts brick mortar is applied unevenly.

I accented some of the bricks using a Micron 05 black pen. I normally just dab on black paint with a fine brush but I found this a bit easier and quicker to do.

The block wall is brush painted Ceramcoat rain grey using a brush.

I then highlighted some blocks using Ceramcoat Bridgeport grey. These two tones are very close to the same color so one could flip which one was the base coat.

A wash of AK rust steaks is coated on the blocks which darken the grout lines and stains the blocks a bit. To finish it off I will apply PanPastel raw umber shade over the entire surface, but lightly.


  1. Well, in the first picture the buildings look just terrific !

  2. Thanks for sharing your work and the colors you use - can't wait for the kit to come out.
