Bill Badger taking in the hands-on weathering clinic. |
Don Janes and I attended this years NERPM taking two days going down and two days returning which made for a really nice trip. It has been a long time since Don and I had the chance to catch up on things so the drive seemed to pass quickly. We attended a nice amount of clinics and really enjoyed the model display. The modeling is over the top.
The vendors room was one we could not stay away from and we both purchased more than we needed. It was interesting to see first hand the many 3D printed models now available. Don purchased an all door boxcar for his 1980's shelf layout he has planned while I got the D&H wood sided end cupola caboose. It will be interesting to see how these go together. I feel this might be the future for craftsman kit builders.
There was some deals on books, I picked up a few I always wanted and of course more BEST building kits. More on what I purchased in posts going forward and how they go together. I am motivated to try the 3D kit.
I should mention Don and I have not been to New England together in 5 years so there was a lot of visiting happening with friends. Sorry if some of our conversations were short...it was nice to see you all. Don and I had a nice lunch with the Vermont and Massachusetts gang while during our last dinner we caught up with our friend Ian Stronach from Montreal. As it turned out our Canadian contingent were in the same restaurant so we had a nice visit with them too...George Dutka
One of Neil Schofield's wonderful engines on display. |
Don purchased this 3D printed all door boxcar kit. |
Don is getting the scoop on 3D from Matt. |
The Yankee Flyer is an upcoming kit 3D printed. |
I purchased this 3D caboose. |
More examples of 3D printing. |
Don also picked up two forklifts that are 3D printed. They are very nice looking. |
While visiting Neil Schofield we saw his completed 3D printed forklift model. |
The gang gathers for a photo taken by Don Janes. I am at the left next to Randy, Chad, Jim and Laz. |
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