Tuesday 19 April 2016

An Interesting Stop!

How patriotic, red, white and blue passing lines. Here we see Peter out in the middle of traffic on Main St. I'm more sensible, I am standing in the crosswalk holding up the traffic taking photos.
After visiting the Franklin & South Manchester Ry. and the hobby shop across the street in Peabody, Ma. we were ready to head out of town. We noted the main street through town has a red, white and blue strip down the middle of the street. We thought that was really American and decided to get a photo of it even though it was drizzling out. Crazy Canadians. Heading back from the middle of a busy Main St. on a Saturday morning we noticed a small car with a large coffee cup attached drive in behind the fire house. We headed back to check it out. Two girls got out of the car...one with a backpack full of coffee and a coffee cup holster. Well that was worth another photo. The girls were off around town promoting New England Coffee (which we found out supplies Dunk'in Donuts). This stop was the fire hall. Well I never turn down a free coffee so here we are getting our pictures taken with the coffee crew...George Dutka

Did I say free coffee.

Even Peter is having a coffee and he does not even like the stuff. Not sure if his wife will let him go away with me again.
An interesting sight seeing this coming down Main St.


  1. Used to see Dunkin Donuts vehicles roaming around outside Boston all the time:


    James Jensen

  2. Hi James:
    I have seen the Dunkin Donuts car in Mechanicsville, NY...George
