Sunday 10 April 2016

HIGHBALL Products Ballast

I did get the last three bags of cinders from ex-Doug's Trains.
Over the past few weeks I have been trying to track down some extra cinder ballast by Highball Products for finishing off my Bellows Falls yards. Through our local hobby shop I found Walthers does not stock it anymore. When I went looking for the Highball web was nowhere to be seen. I then heard second hand that they closed down...not sure if true...but if you use Highball you best scoop it up now. I did have enough ballast to finish my yard by cutting back a bit on the applications. Since then I found three bags at the just reopened Doug's Trains, now called Pete's Trains. Doug's supply of Highball ballast I have used is large and coarse which needs to be ground down a bit before use. It must have been packaged wrong. Guess it will have to do for future projects until I find a product that I like...George Dutka


  1. Arizona Rock and Mineral ballast is comparable -- Walthers doesn't carry it, but you can get it direct.

    1. Thanks John for the heads up...will look into that product as an alternate...George

  2. Good afternoon George.

    Action Hobbies Kingsville have some of the Highball Products in stock. Go see their website and you might find what you are looking for.


    1. Hi Marc:
      Noted Action Hobbies had some black in Z scale some time ago...might look into that again...talked to Don Janes today...he also is using HIGHBALL cinders on his layout...will pass the note along to him also...thank...George
