The flagstop is almost completed. I still need to attach the station sign and add the window and door glazing. I cut down the platform to fit the location it is designated for. |
The Inwood flag stop is an easy four wall, three windows a door and roof kit. Most of the basic construction took only a couple of hours. I began by adding some nail holes and pulling a few boards up. The windows and doors need some assembly also. The window and door glazing got a coat of flat finish to dirty them up a bit. The corner trim fits really well. The wainscot trim looked to wide for this structure. I used it under the eaves as face boarding. The new wainscot was made from HO scale 2 by 4 inch stock.
Once all the parts are attached I gave the whole structure a coat of Hunterline weathering stain. Once dry, I painted the top walls Floquil depot buff with an added coat of grime while still wet. The lower section, trim, door and windows are painted Floquil tuscan red with a touch of signal red added. I did this all with a brush. Once dry I used Bragdon powder lime white on the top portion and dark rust on the red sections. I printed my photo that I took during the fall of 2012 of the flag stop. I used the sign from this photo on my model. The base was cut to fit it's new home. I used Hunterline stain on the base followed by a few tints of Bragdon powders. I will show you the finished model in place on the White River Division once I take some photos...cheers...George Dutka
Link to Creative Laser Desgin
The main portion of the flagstop is now complete. The roofing is printed slate on heavy card stock. It looks pretty good. I used Canopy Glue for all attachments in this project. |
Dark Rust was used to weather the lower portion of the flag stop. The roof got a coat of soot powder...dirtying it up a bit. |
This is how the flag stop shelter looked in Sept 2012. |
I used a print made from this image for the sign. It turned out to be the exact size without any changes made. I just cut it out and glued it above the door. |
The flag stop is awaiting its new home on the White River Division. |
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