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One window was boarded up a weathered Guilford sign is applied and some boards are pulled up. One can have a peek at the leftovers found inside the collapsed door |
Here is a look at the construction, paint and weathering of my MEC style section shed...George Dutka
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All the walls and parts are laid out ready for assembly. The wall corners will be all leftovers from other projects. |
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I had placed the door as part open before I decided to model it as fallen in. Luckly the glue had not dried yet. |
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The roof is about to go on this structure. I made it from cardstock. Note I did add some bracing to the interior walls. Inside and out the walls began with a coating of Hunterline weathering mix. |
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I always have a supply of boards to add as detail or board up windows. The green tones found on the wall are a mix of tru-color MEC green and PanPastel green. The structure did not need a lot as I wanted the gray tone and some raw weathered wood to be showing through. I added nail holes once all the powders were applied. |
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The area that will not have any tarpaper roofing got some paint weathering. More will be done with PanPastels once the roofing is applied. |
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