Saturday 25 November 2023

Creamery Complex

A few more views of the creamery complex I built from kits, parts and part kits I had around the basement...George Dutka  



  1. Hello George, Nice creamery Is That smokestack scratchbuilt . On the subject of structures I relocated a track on the layout and might have room for a South River Modelworks H. W. Myers mill. You mentioned that you built this mill What I need to know what is the footprint or the overall out side dimensions of the mill. Made a pop up trip to Railway City Models and picked up my RS's May need an undecorated RS18u from Otter Valley if Rapido doesn't do the Buffalo Southern which I suggested to them...ha ! CMR products has the decals. Always watching, JOHN

  2. Hi John
    Will get back to you regarding the size of model...George

  3. Hi John the mill footprint is 4 1/2" by 13 1/2"
