More than half the TVC members were present for this group photo.
London was George Dutka's home terminal and he was able to use work
contacts to arrange a club tour of the Rectory St. roundhouse and
servicing facility. Standing on the steps was Jim McAllister. Other
members (left to right) included Dan Robilliard, Dave Harding, George
Goddard, Fred Sachse, Larry Hugill, Peter Mumby, John Kanakos, George
Dutka, and Bob Hannah. Peter Mumby collection |
Bob Hannah and the Thames Valley Central...by Peter Mumby
you start reminiscing, one thing invariably leads to another. Case in
point: in our Dec. 19th post on the Woodchip Train 25th Anniversary, the
caption for CN 9526 north refers to the construction of the unit "in
conjunction with our mutual friend, Bob Hannah." That started us
thinking about the other units in Bob's roster, and about how Bob,
George, and I originally met circa 1980....and this is where the Thames
Valley Central Modular Railroad Club comes in to the picture.
The TVC was a London, Ontario area club which periodically showcased its
modular set-up in local shopping malls. The large oval display
consisted of club-owned corner sections and member-owned side units.
The length of the display depended on how many members were able to
participate in any particular show. In addition, regular meetings at
members' homes featured discussions, movies, and clinics. The TVC still
exists today, albeit in a much different form. No longer modular in
form, the group now displays a fixed-form portable layout, and has
regular meetings in its Thorndale, Ontario clubhouse.
Doesn't every kid wish at some point to be a locomotive engineer? On
this fine fall day, Bob Hannah got to live out at least a small part of
this fantasy. Now, why do you suppose he chose to eventually build a
model of CN 4507? Peter Mumby photo |
Here is an over all view of the Rectory St. facility. All of this
railway infrastructure has now disappeared. In its place today stands a
large indoor soccer structure. Peter Mumby photo |
The TVC was
originally established in the 1970s by Fred Sachse, and had developed
the modular concept by the time George, Bob, and I joined. My modules
were built in partnership with Larry Hugill who worked as a welder at
General Motors Diesel Division. Larry provided us with a good
connection with prototype happenings through GM. Larry retired to
Seaforth, and at last report was still working on a home layout. Chris
Martin, who worked for CN at the time, was another source of valuable
prototype information at a time when I was just getting my feet wet in
the hobby. Today Chris is still a top notch model builder and a railfan
photographer par excellence. He is an authority on all things Penn
Central (with special emphasis on the Canada Division). George Dutka at
that time was a young engineman with CN, so you can see we had lots of
opportunities to tend towards prototypical modelling practices.
TVC 5409 is a bit of a rare bird. Prior to a club meeting at my house I
volunteered to mount a clinic on decalling rolling stock. Members
wishing to participate provided me with a car in advance which I painted
for them. Decals were acquired from Champion Decals. About a half
dozen members participated. This particular model is based on an old
Lionel HO product. George Dutka photo |
Club member Dave Rodwell developed an interest in helping me with my
tables at local train shows. So too did Bob Hannah, and our discussions
at train shows led us to do some model building together, including the
CN 9526 mentioned earlier. We each started a model, and I agreed to do
the final paint work. My (unfinished) model still languishes in a
drawer near my work bench to this very day, but Bob's unit became an
integral part of his HO locomotive roster. Over the years Bob has
continued to construct models, although not always of the railroad
variety. It was during one of his "non-railroad" phases that his
locomotives became part of my collection.
Here we have a meet at the WRD diamond between engines built by Bob Hannah. George Dutka photo. |
The models featured in
the following photos appear on George's WRD layout of today, although
they were built more than thirty years ago. The Thames Valley members
were photographed at CN's Rectory St. shop area in October, 1982.
In this photo we see Bob Hannah's entire model locomotive roster as of
the early 1980s. This 1:87 fleet was based on Atlas and Athearn
products. Shown are CN GR-17h GP-9 number 4507, GS-9c SW-900 number
7235, and GF-430b GP40-2 number 9526. Both prototypes and models were
proudly assembled in London, Ontario. George Dutka photo |
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