Tuesday 26 February 2019

Copetown RPM 2019

Weathered models by Stephen Nichol (the Weatherman).
On Saturday Peter and I attended the Copetown RPM. We took in all four clinics which we both found interesting. We also took along enough models to cover a full table. It was noted this year had the most models on display in the three years it has been held...watch for a part two later this week...George Dutka

Ray Hoadley's G scale models. Ray gave one of the RPM clinics on Stelco Steel and his models show his interest in steel...Peter Mumby photo.
Another look at how steel is carried. Most loads and car attachments had to be scratch-built in G scale.
A nicely finished kit by John Riddell.
John Spring displayed TH&B structures plus rolling stock.
Peter Mumby and I filled a full table with our models.
A great lakes car ferry scratch-built by Dave Paterson. Dave did a clinic on how he built the car ferry. That's Dave in the dark blue t-shirt. The model is now part of John Springs TH&B layout. That is John in the striped shirt.

There was a nice large display of N scale models, many built by Fredrick Adlhoch.
Another model built by John Riddell.
Some of the nice  models displayed of the ACR done by Chris Vander Heide.

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