Monday 31 March 2014

Another Modelers Season is about to end

The Westboro local heads towards the shop track and freight house. This underpass is my dividing line between Westboro and White River Jct. as I did not have room to model a river scene.
I just realised once I looked at April on our modeling season is officially over...or at least after today`s model workday with Peter. I could not find two days together that I was free next month. With a large family, 5 children owning 5 is about to put their house on the market meaning I have been over helping on projects over the weekend hence no posts. We also have four grand children that also have dates posted on our calender....I am asking my wife about the two cans of paint in the laundry don`t want to know...and my boat...not sure how that will fit in as I want to launch by the end of April.

Anyhow I did have a great modeling season. This past Wednesday I did spend the whole day downstairs finishing off Westboro yard. The Westboro section house is now built and in place. The face board is all painted and the track to the next room is partially attached. The only structure that I had hoped to build this past winter was the B&M WRJ yard office...guess that might happen over those extra hot days of summer. Peter and I had a really productive group of Monday winter work sessions. We will cover some of our other projects in detail over the summer season. Posts will be off and on but I do have a lot of material to share...stay tuned...George Dutka

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