Friday 19 February 2016

New Air Compressor

Here is my new small tank-less air compressor.
Back in December Peter and I visited our friend Bob Hannah which lead to a visit to his basement. Bob is a really good modeler who has just got out of modeling trains. He still is into HO scale trucks and various scale race cars. During the visit we talked about air brushes and compressors. Bob gave us a good look at his tank-less compressor. I found it a great way to go. These is almost no sound when running, the air pressure is good and it is tiny. Bob called a week later to let me know that they were on sale. I picked one up in the Sarnia Canadian Tire store on my way home from a visit with tell the rest of the story...George Dutka

I am using my old airbrush hose with quick action couplers. I purchased a regulating valve and reduction fittings at Princess Auto to complete the project. Sold my noisy old compressor on Kijiji which really dropped my final outlay of funds. I have been happy so far using this setup. It is great as I can carry it around to anywhere I need it with no effort. It also stores away in a tiny space.

The air brush I doubt I will use although all the other parts will come in handy.

Here is a look at the box. I found Princess Auto had a similar compressor, less the air brush and I would think Harbor Freight tools in the US have something similar.

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