Sunday 4 January 2015

VectorCuts - Model Details

HO scale hamburgers and hotdogs can be purchased as a laser cut sheet ready to assemble. Wonder if they can do these in N scale.
Do you need some scale donuts or a welcome mat for the Superintendents home...well then you best check out VectorCuts web site. They have a lot of neat details. Can't believe how small some of the stuff is....George Dutka

VectorcutAccessories - VectorCut .com

Hot dog and Hamburg kits...don't forget the cheese.
HO scale donuts. Calories?
Donuts and bagels. Don't forget to add the sprinkles to the donuts. I know what all my cops might have in their hands soon.
Screen doors look really nice and I might be looking at adding some of these to my structures.
Door mats could be an interesting addition to a structure.

1 comment:

  1. Ho - Ly- COW! I can't believe how tiny those things are!
