Monday 8 May 2017

Steaming in the Rain

After our trip near the platform that we had been picked up a couple of hours earlier, a sort of run-by happened. Most of the group made a dash for their cars and did not see this...I headed back to the crossing behind the train and caught this scene.
On Friday the NMRA-NFR convention began with a steam train ride out of St. Jacob's on the Waterloo Central Railway. Due to the downpour the last couple of days it was really wet anywhere one stepped to get a photo of the engine or train. The run past was cancelled as none of us wanted to get off in a field full of water and worse mud.

Once the engine was fired during the morning a couple of runs out to the station and back was made to make sure all was well. The steam engine makes only a few trips per season along the this was a treat for us. We did not see anyone along the route railfanning the run as the rain was a downpour most of the afternoon. I did take a limited amount of shots and got soaked, but it was fun...George Dutka

The engine is fired up and a test run was completed before heading onto the train.

A fresh load of coal has been added and the smoke was really black.

The engine heads out for a second run up to the station and back. I took this photo while standing in the shop and out of the rain.

The train ran with the engine in reverse for the first leg. It is arriving at the station near the farmers market.

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