Saturday 15 December 2018

Detailing the inside of a Gondola

Ready to roll on the WRD.
I purchased this Walthers 52'6" Thrall corrugated gondola with some weathering done by Jim Sloan this fall at the Woodstock train show. Jim had done a great job weathering the model but I wanted to take it a bit further adding some rust inside and some leftover shipping loads...George Dutka

Next to some powders here are the other ingredients I used to detail the interior. For the wet stuff I added AK slimy grime dark and Vallejo engine oil stain.
The interior includes a Tichy barrel, a couple metal gear castings, wood and steel bars made from ITLA kit scraps. Some Scenic Express ground foam and real dirt found at Westboro complete the detailing.
A closer look inside. Jim had scored a scrape along the inside wall. I added some colouring to this with acrylics and Bragdon powders.
A look down at the finished model.
Guess this prototype view of the interior of a similar gondola has a lot more scrap than I added. Maybe a second gondola will be added to the fleet with a similar look.


  1. Looks great George! I wish I'd done that.


  2. This looks great! I love small details like this.

  3. Thanks guys for the nice comments...makes me want to do more...George
