Monday 22 October 2012

CV White River Jct. Sand Bin

My CV sand bin is seen with my 1992 RMC article. I have already changed the stack and weathering is about to be applied.
A CV sand bin
at the WRJ coal tower

Many years ago I built a CV sand bin for my small yard which was featured in the Jan. 1992 issue of RMC. I built the sand bin using plans found in the March 1964 MR. It stated that the sand bin was located in St. Albans but for years I could not uncover a photo that showed the structure or a clue to it's location.

At this years Fine Scale Expo while visiting with Marty McGuirk he mentioned the sand bin was actually next to the CV coal tower at White River Junction, Vt. This he had found out while working as an associate editor at MR. When I got home I went through all my views of the coal tower and found one shot that shows it way in the background. I cropped the photo and have included it here. The sand bin is in such a location that when a photo of an engine at the coal tower is taken, it would be blocked from view.

My sand bin built in the early 1980's gets a upgrade before installation in the WRJ staging yard.

It was time for an upgrade since it was built about 30 years ago and I am planning on using it again. I built it as a board on board wooden building and weathered it with Floquil stains available at that time. I changed the stack to a smaller version, sprayed the whole model with flat finish and weathered it up with Bragdon weathering and chalk. Although my coal tower is mostly hidden in my staging yard I decided to add it next to the tower were one can get a peek at it. It will not be located in the exact location but near enough. I am glad to add another prototype element to my WRJ scene...George Dutka

The finished model rests on the MR 1964 plans.
The sand bin can be seen at the CV coal tower.

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