Friday 28 September 2018

Northern Coal and Lumber Office - Completed

My finished Walthers wood series office which includes a side add-on. I added a few BEST details, pigeons to the roof once done.
Here is a series of photos viewing my latest weathering job. I posted a front view as a Wordless Wednesday a few weeks back. I am happy with how it all turned out. I originally planned on selling it but I just might keep it now...George Dutka

I kept the signage to a minimum on this model. I did add some grass and weeds along the edges.
The window glazing is frosted with dullcote. I added paper bag blinds to all the windows and doors.
A close-up look at the roof. A bit of junk thrown around. The roof was painted black followed by some PanPastels. The vent got a coat of my rusty mix (vinegar and steel wool). The chimney is painted red followed by mortar mix and a concrete coloured cap using Floquil paints. Gloss coat seams are added reflecting tar patching.


  1. Really well done - just the right amount of weathering and 'wear & tear.' Good work!
