Thursday 18 October 2018

Updated Weathering - NH Boxcar

A small string of NH boxcars are currently in service on the WRD. All three are Branchline Yardmaster series cars.
I recently pulled out some of my 1950's era boxcars for this winters WRD fleet. One car a Branchline Yardmaster series model that I assembles about 4-5 years ago looked like it could use a bit better weathering. Orange cars in the past gave me some grief when weathering was required. I decided to use my acrylic paints and PanPastels for an upgrade...weathering options I did not have when I first built the car...think it looks a bit better now...George Dutka

This orange NH boxcars really stands out on my trains so I wanted to tone it down just a bit more. Actually most of the prototype photos I have seen of these cars are fairly new and the colouring really gets your attention. Toning mine down, the roof edges got some acrylic burnt sienna and burnt umber followed by a bit of gray PanPastels.
Some rust spots are applied using burnt umber and some Bragdon dark rust. Some light gray PanPastel  is applied to the lower edges. The car originally had a dusting of chalk powder in an orange shade and some black streaking.


  1. Nicely done George, I have some "bright" cars as well and your approach on this car gives me some ideas.
