Monday, 24 July 2017

CV engine on display at the cinder pit

As mentioned before this little diorama was built to display my small collection of unused steam engines.
 My old CV 0-6-0 was my main power back in the 1980's on my Randolph yard switching layout. It was featured in an early 1990's RMC. The engine does not run anymore but some years ago got a bit of a facelift, including some paint touch-up's, weathering, a new load of coal and a few updated figures. The last crew was well past retirement age. Enjoy the view...George Dutka

The main power for my Randolph yard switching layout now has a placen to rest during retirement and of course to dump its ashes. This cast metal engine has a few additional items added over the years. A few years back it got a dusting of Floquil grime and some Bragdon powders.

An overhead view. Not an exact copy of a CV switcher but for the era a good stand in. I have CV brass etchings and an 0-8-0 DCC with sound ready to go for a better rendition of a CV switcher...just need to find the motivation to begin the project.


  1. Hi George,

    I wanted to ask if the sand tower there was a kit built or scratch built?

    Any info would be appreciated.

  2. Hi Adrian:
    The sand tower I purchased at a local train show already assembled in a group of odds and ends...not sure the heritage of the structure, but it appears to be a kit. I did do some clean up to the model and weathering...George

  3. Thanks for that. Very simple design and doesn't take up much real estate
