My new Rapido model has a bit of weathering applied using AK pencils, PanPastels and acrylic grey paint wash.
I few months back I picked up NP 11245 which is marked as it would have appeared 1951. It has Kadee #5 which I changed out with 158's. The wheels are painted acrylic cinnamon brown while the car body is coated with flat finish which is spray bomb Tamiya "flat clear". The trucks are brushed with AK dark steel...George Dutka
I began with the roof. PanPastel neutral grey shade is lightly applied.
The running board grooves are coloured with AK pencil gun metal followed by PanPastel raw umber shade. As one can see the roof panels are still a bit new looking. I decided to add a wash of acrylic rain day.
One can see the wash on the roof panels stands out more at this point. On the sides I used AK pencil gun metal randomly in some of the grooves. I then coated the entire side with PanPastel red iron oxide extra dark.
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