Sunday 4 June 2023

This and That - June 2023


My light house is now finished. It was not a hard model to build. It is smaller than most light house models but in a scene such as the BarMills offering it works well in the foreground when one adds a few boats. More on this will be on my narrow gauge blog.
Here are some more bits and pieces I have saved up through the last month for viewing...George Dutka 

Do you remember Hopper Line kits made in Sarnia Ontario back in the 1980's and 1990's. This is the stone shed which I built back in that era. Geoff Southwood picked one up recently and is going to build it. It had plaster ends, wood sides and a metal corrugated roof. I sold my model a couple of decades ago...wish I kept it as it is a neat little structure.

I got a good end shot of a covered hopper at the east end of Paris Jct. yard back in 2019. Note the rust pattern on the coupler and the wheels after sitting for a few days and rusting. If one has a piece of rolling stock that will not be used it could be done like this and stored at an end of a track that can show what you have done.

IC 799900 is at CN Aldershot yard in Sept. 2019. I am looking from behind the fence in the Aldershot station parking lot. The rust pattern is kind of neat.

Looking down at CN trackage in Hamilton. The insides of a gondola one can see what would be accomplished with some trash and weathering powders on a model.
This Juneco express reefer kit I built for my father in law back in the early 1980's. It has come back to me once he passed last year. I had lightly weathered the roof with grime back then but I think it could use a bit of an upgrade. New couplers, steel wheels and light weathering.

Brian Smith sent me this view of a shipping container being used as an ice cream shop. I think a contemporary modeler could come up with their own version of a commercial use for such a structure.

On CSXT NB grain train at Romulus, Mi. May 30 2023 Kenneth Borg photo

This Geep is all the power needed in Tillsonburg, Ontario for a short line which runs from there to St. Thomas. I believe the engine is ex-CP. Don Janes and I stopped by to get a shot of it on Tuesday May 30 2023.


  1. Nice shot of the Geep. You are correct, originally CPR #8687, rebuilt into GP9u #1597 in 1985. Do you know what days GIO is switching Tillsonburg/St Thomas? I want to get down that way again and shoot their operation. Their Niagara operations are also on my to go get list.

  2. Hi Stephen, thanks for the information on the GIO engine. This months Snapshot will be a bit more about GIO although I don't know which days they operated. I think OSR runs to Tillsonburg on Tuesday and/or Thursday so they may run the day after or possibly the same day. I feel it all depends on the traffic needing to move..will post if I find out...George
