Thursday 15 December 2016

Thanksgiving 1979 in Nova Scotia

Thanksgiving day October 8, 1979, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
I have this photo in my collection that has a bit of a story told on the back. Unfortunately it does not note the photographer or author's name....George Dutka

"Engine and car have just creeped from the wye at Mahone Bay to spot the tank car at the Highliner Plant. This requires that the engine and car reverse direction and turn 180 degrees in steep descent. This crossing is north of Lunenburg, NS at the bottom of the curve. The engine is CNR #1774 now classified MR-14c. It's formerly an RS-18 built by MLW with 1800 horsepower and B-B trucks and a CN road classification of MR-18 #3875. This engine received A1A-A1A trucks from scrapped CN #1721 MR-10c (MLW RSC-13). CN #1774 has been de-rated to 1400 horsepower."


  1. Nice branch line photo! The loco and track are all long gone, alas.

  2. Can I post your image from your collection on HSWDPI.CA/WIKI?

    1. Sure Samuel there is no copyright marked on the back...George
