My two new additions to the WRD fleet are weathered and ready for action. |
I recently picked up two Bowser H-30 covered hoppers. They are beautiful models that really does not need anything other than some weathering which I did. You may remember seeing a photo I took of Don Janes model last November while visiting his layout. Check out the Nov 21, 2014 post for a look at his Bowser cars....George Dutka
This vintage N&W car is ready for service on the WRD. What a great looking model. I only used a coating of white Pan Pastel on this model body and some Bragdon rust and dust on the trucks. |
My PRR hopper is a sand service car that is actually a 1965 era car. I won't tell anyone that this car will be handling sand to the Westboro diesel facilities in the 1950's. It appears PRR has a lot more sand then they need. This car got some Bragdon powders and the white lettering streaks are white Pan Pastels. |
it looks great