Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Railfan Day on the WRD

The old farm is gone and a new cottage and shed are located next to the crossing now.  B&M RS-3 leads a local past the new cottage where the old farm once stood.

     Chasing Trains Along The White River Don Janes

         The forecast was calling for sunny skies and mild temperatures so I took advantage of the good weather to do some railfanning along the White River Division.  There were a lot of changes since I had been out along the line last time.  I was even able to get some pretty good shots of a few mainline trains as well as some action in White River Jct. yard.  All in all it was a good day for photos and to see what was new on the WRD.

Shortly after arriving at Fairlee a B&M train pulled up to the ball signal and stopped.  Hopefully a Rutland train would show up soon.
Sure enough, a few minutes later a steam powered milk train rounded the curve.  Here it is passing a section gang removing the last remnants of the old mainline.
The milk train behind Rutland 2-8-2 #32 eased across the diamond.
I decided to rush ahead and try to catch up with the B&M train.  I caught it at Petersburgh.  The agent is busy sorting express dropped off a little earlier.

Not far from Petersburgh I spotted a logging crews cutting logs on the steam powered saw.
I stopped by the Westboro roundhouse and saw a B&M RS-3 and an E-7 being serviced.  The 3810 would soon be heading back to Boston.
Over at the WRJ yard  CV S-2 7919 was pulling out of the yard with a cut of cars from the B&M.
Just as the CV train's caboose was clearing a B&M freight showed up behind a brand new GP-9 #1724.  That's the B&M yard office in the foreground.
Here is another view of the B&M GP-9 from between the barn and yard office.

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