Friday 13 March 2020

National Scale Car - CP Boxcar

My finished NSC mini-kit ready for use in my contemporary fleet.
This is kind of a different project for me. I purchased two boxcar mini-kits from Ryan Mendell, a CN and CPR version. Both are basically the same other than the decal. What one gets is the ability to construct a proper CN or CPR car. I began with the CPR model. I used a Branchline Yardmaster series kit to begin with which worked out really well. Peter Mumby and I are working on one each during our Monday workshops. Peter is doing the CPR car using a Branchline model and I am working on a CNR mini-kit using an InterMountain model...George Dutka

The NSC parts including the CPR decals.
Here is what one gets in the CPR mini-kit and the Branchline yardmaster series boxcar I began with. I also had to change out the roofing which I believe is a Front Range roof from my box of freight car leftovers. The roof was a very good fit without issues.
The Branchline under frame with the NCS mini-kit. There are under body details included in the kit which I applied to my model.
The ladder is cut off and sanded, new door added and ends. The Front Range roof fit snug without issues. I did leave the molded on grabs on the side to remind me this is a Branchline model. I think they are the best looking molded grabs I have seen.
Rapido Steel wheels are added to the trucks, Kadee couplers are set at the right height. The proper ladders are included and tack boards are on the ends. The roof for the CP 140950-141699 series has a diagonal panel roofing. The boxcar paint used is an auto body primer from a spray bomb.
One door is modeled closed while the other is part way open. The two stirrups are ones that one needs to bend. One needs two and there are extras. I did break my first attempt but the next two are good. I did add a bit of glue to the bend joints to better strengthen. The brake wheel is a Kadee part.

The decals are included with the kit. I followed the locations of ACI label and wheel inspection symbol found in photos from the 1980's. I have a group of chalk mark decals for the New England area which I also applied. After a flat finish is applied PanPastel powders are applied lightly to the center of the panels. AK pencil gun metal is rubbed over the seams also.
Air hose bags are applied to each end. I also bend uncoupling levers. I added tack board labels to both doors.

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